Saturday, September 27, 2014

Henry Dawson gave penicillin a job - a real job : lifesaving. That's all he did. But it changed our whole world for the better , forever

Like a lot of the rest of us, penicillin was severely underemployed during the twelve mean years of the Great Depression, between 1929 and 1940.

But on October 16th 1940 (almost seventy five years ago) Henry Dawson finally gave penicillin a job. A real job : lifesaving.

That's all he did.

To most male scientists then and now (much to their discredit) because he wasn't "the first" to "discover" penicillin, he did nothing .

But , in fact, when Dr Dawson gave penicillin a real job, he changed our whole world for the better , forever.

Moms know that - even if male scientists (and male academics generally) - still don't.

Even though real life is more than just teenage pissing contests about who can piss first or furthest....

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